Congratulations to Musher Aaron Burmeister (bid #64) for a successful Iditarod finish in 12th place. The Iditarod is one of the most challenging races in the world spanning over 1,000 miles of trails from Anchorage to Nome. This year the trail had deep snow conditions and dog teams worked hard with their mushers to break trail across the great State of Alaska.
“This year before the start of Iditarod, my shop in Nenana (Alaska) burned to the ground and I lost my collection of mushing gear from snow machines to dog sleds, harnesses, winter gear and tools,” shared Aaron during the meet and greet hosted at Sitnasuak Native Corporation headquarters in Nome on March 16. “Through this loss, I focused on the race and reflected on my slogan for this year – ‘There Is Always A Way – Believe In Yourself.’ I kept this mind throughout the Iditarod trail as a motivation to move forward and work towards my goal to finish in the top 20. Over the coming year, I will be sharing this message with youth and communities to overcome obstacles in life and encourage everyone to achieve personal success – there is always a way.”
Mocean, LLC, a subsidiary of Sitnasuak Native Corporation, is proud to have sponsored Aaron Burmeister in the 2018 Iditarod. “Our performance apparel products are important to law enforcement, public safety and first response professionals across the US and we are honored to have sponsored Aaron with the message ‘there is always a way’ – which resonates with our company, customers and communities,” said Bill Levitt, Executive Vice-President of Mocean. To learn more about Mocean and its line of tactical products, visit
Congratulations to Aaron and his team for the successful finish in the last great race – the Iditarod – from Mocean, LLC, Sitnasuak Native Corporation and our family of businesses.
Photo of Musher Aaron Burmeister racing in the 2018 Iditarod on his way to Nome – photo by Jeff Schultz Photography. Performance jackets for Aaron and his dog handling team produced by Mocean, LLC.
Sitnasuak is headquartered in Nome, Alaska, with operations in Alaska, California, Virginia and Puerto Rico. Sitnasuak’s family of companies include Mocean, SNC Technical Services, Sitnasuak Applied Technologies, Bonanza Fuel, Bonanza Express, Fidelity Title Agency of Alaska, Mat-Su Title Agency, Sitnasuak Properties, and Nanuaq. SNC is one of the Alaska Native village corporations created in 1971 under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Sitnasuak is owned by over 2,800 Alaska Native shareholders and has over $130 million in annual revenues. For additional information on Sitnasuak and our businesses, please visit our web site at or like our Facebook page
P.O. Box 905
214 Front Street, 2nd Floor
Nome, AK 99762
Toll Free 1-877-443-2632
2700 Gambell Street, Suite 300
Anchorage, AK 99503
Toll Free 1-877-443-2632