Each year, Sitnasuak Native Corporation and the Sitnasuak Elders Committee honor a male and female Elder for their contributions and dedication to our community. In 2023, they selected 2 respected Elders Arlene M. Soxie and Ralph Olanna, Jr. for this recognition.
Arlene M. Soxie Ralph Olanna, Jr.
Congratulations to Arlene and Ralph. Quyana for upholding and sharing our Inupiaq values while setting the example of dedication, strength and leadership.
P.O. Box 905
214 Front Street, 2nd Floor
Nome, AK 99762
Toll Free 1-877-443-2632
2700 Gambell Street, Suite 300
Anchorage, AK 99503
Toll Free 1-877-443-2632