Nome, Alaska, November 9, 2016
Sitnasuak Native Corporation (SNC) announces the hiring of Ukallaysaaq Tom Okleasik as the new Vice-President of Corporate Affairs. Ukallaysaaq is a shareholder of SNC and previously worked as a consultant with SNC facilitating the 2016 annual meeting and leading employee development in communications and presentations. In the new role, Ukallaysaaq will work with SNC in governmental affairs, business development, communications and leadership development.
“He brings a wealth of executive level experience to Sitnasuak, including time as Executive Director of the Native Village of Kotzebue, Planning Director for the Northwest Arctic Borough and Vice-President of the Community Service Division for Kawerak,” said SNC President Mike Orr. “His many years of executive level experience and education have prepared him for his new role with us.”
Ukallaysaaq earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from California Lutheran University, and is currently enrolled in the Master of Arts of Rural Development with the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He is a proud Inupiaq Qawairaqmiut who was born and raised in Nome, and has also lived in Juneau and Kotzebue. His parents are LaVonne and the late Piqigiaq Franklin Okleasik, Sr. Ukallaysaaq’s community activities have included the following: Nome Arts Council board member, North Pacific Fisheries Management Council outreach committee member, Nikaitchuat Ilisagviat (Inupiaq immersion school) steering committee member, Alaska Humanities Forum board member, National Indian Gaming Association board member, 2001-2 Americans for Indian Opportunity Ambassador, Sitnasuak Foundation board member and president, and Alaska Federation of Natives Convention resolutions committee.
SNC is one of the Alaska Native village corporations created in 1971 under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). SNC is headquartered in Nome, Alaska and is the largest of 16 village corporations in the Bering Straits region. SNC is owned by almost 2,900 Alaska Native shareholders.
P.O. Box 905
214 Front Street, 2nd Floor
Nome, AK 99762
Toll Free 1-877-443-2632
2700 Gambell Street, Suite 300
Anchorage, AK 99503
Toll Free 1-877-443-2632