As our communities begin to feel the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), Sitnasuak wanted to share information with our Shareholders and families to help stay safe and promote wellness.
As of this message, there are no known cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Alaska. It is very important for every one of us to take actions that will protect the health and safety of our families and communities. Please be vigilant and take steps to reduce levels of risk.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) health professionals have encouraged individuals to do the same things you normally do during flu season to prevent the spread of germs:
Staying home is inconvenient for both employees and employers. But with an illness like coronavirus or the flu – or even a common cold – the key to success is limiting its spread from one person to another.
According to the State of Alaska Chief Medical Officer Dr. Anne Zink, “I think it’s highly likely that we will soon have a case here in Alaska.” Regardless, it’s important to remember that, as an individual, your risk of contracting coronavirus is low, and the simple, commonsense steps listed above will be greatly helpful to keeping you and your family safe. In addition, the risk of fatality is largely restricted to Elders, young children and people with other, existing health issues.
Please stay aware of your health and the health of those around you and – most important – take the simple steps listed above to prevent the spread of germs.
The strength of our Native people is the strength of our communities. Let’s look out for each other and do our part by asking Elders if they’re okay or if they need anything, asking if parents with young children need help, and, most of all, ensuring that you are not the one spreading any illness.
In closing, the wellness of our Shareholders and families are very important and together we can support each other to be healthy.
P.O. Box 905
214 Front Street, 2nd Floor
Nome, AK 99762
Toll Free 1-877-443-2632
2700 Gambell Street, Suite 300
Anchorage, AK 99503
Toll Free 1-877-443-2632