Sitnasuak Native Corporation Donates $94,940 to Nome Public Schools
Anchorage, AK, Jan. 25, 2016 – Sitnasuak Native Corporation, the Nome-based Native Corporation, is pleased to announce a donation of $94,940 to Nome Public Schools in support of its Literary Improvement Plan and Art Attacks Program.
Sitnasuak has long supported the Nome community through the means of charitable contributions towards education initiatives. The Sitnasuak Board of Directors approved the donation to Nome Public Schools at their quarterly board meeting this past December.
“As a parent of four children who either are attending or have graduated from Nome Public Schools, I realize the value of these programs and the benefit they have for our youth. I encourage other parents to also get involved with Nome Public Schools to understand how we can improve the educational experience for our children. The Board of Directors of Sitnasuak Native Corporation appreciates this opportunity to show our commitment to the community of Nome,” said Board Chairman, Robert (Bobby) Evans.
Nome Public Schools will use $90,250 to support its Literacy Improvement Plan by integrating the two Scholastic Phonics Inventory programs, Read 180 and System 44 into its curriculum. The System 44 Program is a foundational reading program designed for challenged readers in Grades 3 – 12. The Systems 44 Program has been proven to help students master the reading skills required for success with the new standards, college, and career through explicit instructions in phonics, comprehension, and writing, using a personalized learning progression driven by technology. The Read 180 Program is a comprehensive system of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development proven to raise reading achievement for struggling readers in Grades 4 – 12.
Nome Public Schools will use $4,690 to fund its Arts Attacks Program. Although there are many studies and evidence of the value the Arts contribute to the educational process, there has been a large decline of the Arts in schools across Alaska. The Art Attacks Program will supplement this loss by teaching all students at Nome Elementary School the elements and principles of art and drawing in a developmental and sequential way, as well as to study the art of other artists, cultures, and historical periods. The emphasis of this program is on motivation and self-expression. Students will utilize the process of visualizing, synthesizing and expressing through a wide variety of media.
“With this incredible donation to the Read 180 reading program in our junior high, we will be better equipped to identify and target our struggling readers. We are confident this will help get students back on track academically for future success in high school and beyond. The Art Attacks program is another investment that allows us to introduce art lessons back into elementary. When many schools are worrying about raising test scores, we need to give kids more arts, not less. We would not be able to make such great things happen without Sitnasuak’s support!” said Nome Public School Superintendent, Shawn Arnold.
Sitnasuak is the largest of the 16 village corporations in the Bering Straits region and headquartered in Nome, Alaska, Sitnasuak was incorporated in 1972 as a for-profit corporation. It now has almost 2,900 shareholders and five successful business lines. For more information, visit
P.O. Box 905
214 Front Street, 2nd Floor
Nome, AK 99762
Toll Free 1-877-443-2632
2700 Gambell Street, Suite 300
Anchorage, AK 99503
Toll Free 1-877-443-2632